Thursday, November 28, 2019

Oedipus Essays (502 words) - Antigone, Civil Disobedience, Creon

Oedipus Just as it was with Oedipus, Creon is also a victim of his own arrogance. To say he is a victim is somewhat gracious, but he is after all, human. Arrogance being a chief means of suffering throughout these plays, it continued its role in the third episode via Creon. But of course, he doesn't realize the destruction in the making until it is too late. Not only does he lose the respect of his country, but he also loses his wife and his son. Obviously, he isnot the only victim, but he is the source. The conflict between Creon and Antigone is significant in that it shows just how pompous Creon really is. He is under the impression that he has the right to establish such edicts as those that restrict someone from honouring a family member. It is clear to many of his poeple, and even to the guards of the body, as the sentry mentions at one point, that Antigone has not done such a horrible thing. Also, Antigone brings up the fact that what she has done is not unlawful as far as the gods are concerned, which to many of Creon's own poeple, is the rule of all. This does not, by any means, help Creon in acquiring the respect and support of his country. On accord of this conflict with Antigone, Creon is faced with another problem, his son. Haemon can see something that Creon cannot and that is Creon's overbearing pride. A number of times he begs with his father to reconsider Antigone's punishment of death, but he has no effect on him. At one point he says this to Creon, Don't entrench yourself in your opinion as if everyone else was wrong (pg222). A very valid point because Creon has been so stubborn that he cannot see that others have logic in what they have said and done. Creon will still have none of it because after all, he is king and he knows what is best for his country. In the ending complications, he loses his son. His wife is the next thing to exhaust. She held Creon as being a double filicidal killer (pg 250) and apparently no longer wants to be a witness to whatever else he is going to do. She labels him as the source of her own death, as well. This is where something finally clicks with Creon and for the first time he has a moment to mourn for his own repugnant actions and the consequences that came with them. Finally, he understands that he is nothing but a rash weak foolish man (pg 252). This entire play is quite the example of cause and effect, one loss led to another, all of which was caused by Creon's insolence. But he was after all, doing what was best for his country. A 'selfless' act that was really anything but. His pride was the undoing of his whole world and the play ends on a tragic note. For him, it's hard to eat my words but harder still to court catastrophe through overriding pride (pg240). Maybe sometimes you need to compromise. Mythology Essays

Monday, November 25, 2019

Buffy essays

Buffy essays BUFFY: THE SUPREME KICKER OF EVIL BUTT AND TELEVISION RATINGS. The television series Buffy the Vampire Slayer, derived from an early 1990's film by the same name, has given birth to the new figure in popular teen culture: The Slayer. Joss Whedon's teen vampire slayer, Buffy, and her band of accomplices are appealing because they operate within the boundaries of our own culture, albeit with our anxieties taking the form of demons. The slayer has become a metaphor for taking control in the all-too-confusing world of Teenage Youth. This essay will explore this theme and how it contributes to the show's popularity on television. In doing so, it will also examine the "Girl Power" wave of the mid-nineties, and its impact on the character of Buffy as part of its larger media impact, as well as Buffy's impact on the portrayal of young women on television and beyond. Added to this girl power, is the popular eternal theme used to obvious effect is good conquering evil. In the past women have been restricted to roles that are considered traditional. Roles associated with traits including emotionality, prudence and compliance, where the males were portrayed through their rationality, efficiency, individualism and ruthlessness. Buffy the Vampire Slayer has changed this, Buffy sharing those characteristics and displaying them dominantly and powerfully. Buffy occupies a position, which invites us to both identify with and to desire. Strong, sexy, and fashionably clad Buffy has the ability to impact both sexes and a wide span of ages, from young teenagers to adults reaching their forties. It is the fact that in battle, whether it be physical or emotional, Buffy always manages to end up on top, which is appealing to both genders. Sarah Michelle Gellers (Buffy) main appeal, especially to teen females, is her accompanying efficiency as an empowering feminist model. She kicks demon butt and she ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Human Resource Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Human Resource Management - Essay Example Assessing the effectiveness of the HR practitioners, the evaluation of the HR should be paramount in all the employees. The assessment should look at the basic human resource functions including the management of performance, recognition and reward, and compensation. The assessment should also involve the employee handbook and his or her policies, the workforce planning, development and training, work climate and employee engagements among other functions. It should be by interviewing the staffs, using questionnaires to collect data, review of relevant documentation, compiling the data, making a written report, and making recommendations. The assessments above are for managers and employees get to know the impact the organization will have if they pursue the organizational goals in performance. For example, taking the case of Pauline, the management should provide training to employees regarding social matters and its implications to the organizations. Such also applies the case 5 wh ere the company should train employees on the use of office equipments and infrastructure. Question One (b). If the HR practitioners come to the attention to be lacking in strategic skills, the management should come up with incentives that will give such HR practitioners to strive to attain the set standards of the organization. One of the incentives that will give evidence in the effectiveness of the HR practitioners is the recognition and reward, and the compensation or promotion. In addition, the management should demonstrate evidence by offering training and development in the areas the practitioners lack in skills, and devising some plans of employee engagements in order to improve the sharing of skills amongst the workforce. This will also improve the work climate as conducive. The incentives will provide employees with the necessary skills that the organization requires, and for the organization competence. It enables them also to improve in their personal skills that will b e of advantage to them in wherever they purpose to pursue their dreams. A good example from the case studies involves the OZ international, whereby the company is under embroil in employee low morale. This is significant in demonstrating that the employees lack some strategic skills to propel the goals of the company. Therefore, the management should come up with training and development incentives, including coming with incentives such as rewards in recognitions of their efforts in performance. The management should also provide training to the employees concerning the several laws that they might violate if they take should actions like firing the old employees, which in any case will bring negative implications to the company. Question Two. Appraising and Managing Employee Performance This involves the systematic and periodic process in which the assessment takes place in each employee’s performance and efficiency. This is in relation to some pre-established organizationâ €™s goals and criteria. It may also involve the assessing such aspects as organization’s citizenship behavior, strengths and weaknesses, accomplishments, the possibility of future improvements among other aspects. Some of the methods that are in use in the collection of the data include the objective productions, judgmental evaluation

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Arguments for and against Foreign Direct Investment In Developing Essay

Arguments for and against Foreign Direct Investment In Developing Countries - Essay Example According to the research findings it can therefore be said that foreign direct investment (FDI) is direct venture into business in a country by a company from another country. This can be either by buying a company in the intended country or by increasing operations of an open business in that country. In actual practice, FDI attraction may be  different in various countries. In this respect, technology, market access, growth, poverty reduction and the foreign direct investment outcomes of a country are extremely significant. Other aspects such as damages to the environment, regions and local capabilities are considered to be negative in a countries economy. For the last two decades, increased technological and liberalization advances have resulted into increased growth in the flow of FDI. This means that foreign direct investment gained in share of domestic investment and gross domestic product (GDP) in many countries. It is done for numerous reasons that involve taking advantage of low cost wages or for exceptional investment privileges like rewards to obtain a link that is tariff-free towards the countries markets or the regional market through the use of tax holidays granted to the company. Foreign direct investment is the submissiveness in security investments of various countries such that it comes in the form of securities and other investments being contrast with portfolio investments. The national accounts of a country, that relate to the equation of national income (Y=C+I+G+(X-M)) where I is investment plus foreign investment, The inflow minus outflow that amount to Net inflows of investment, is at least 10% or more of voting stash in an enterprise operating in an economy apart from that of the investor. It is the sum of other long-term capital, short-term capital and owners’ capital as frequently shown in the balance of payment. Transfer of technology & expertise, management involvement and joint venture are means used. The FDI may be both inward and outward, resulting in a net inflow that is positive or negative and "stock of foreign direct investment" that sums up the number for a given period. International factor investment is one example of FDI. Perspective FDI is the form of FDI that arises whenever a company ensures that its country-based income is duplicated using the similar stage chain in the hosting country by use of FDI. Podium FDI, and Vertical FDI that arises whenever a firm shifts upstream through FDI and downstream in various chain value through performing activities that adds value in a vertical fashion stage of a host country. The reduction in the international trade is attributed to the horizontal FDI as the most of them is usually move towards the host country while other two types generally act as a stimulus for it. Foreign direct investor gives out the power of voting of an enterprise within an economy by incorporating a wholly owned subsidiary / company anywhere, acquire shares in an associated enterprise, merger or acquire an unrelated enterprise, or participating in an equity joint venture with another financier or enterprise (Borensztein & De Gregorio, 2008). FDI incentives may take the following forms; Low individual income tax & corporation tax rates, tax holidays, preferential tariffs, which could be, a tax on a countries’ exports or imports inside and outside of a country, or a price schedule for services like as train service, buses route, and electricity usage, special economic zones(It involves a geographical region having economic and different laws that encourage the free-market. Export processing zones, bonded warehouses, â€Å"Maquiladoras† which is a Mexican name for manufacturing operations within a free trade zone(FTZ), where firms import material and equipment on a duty & tariff- free assembly basis, and manufacturing processing. After this, the assembled export are manufactured, and processed to give out finished products. In other situatio ns, raw materials are send to the origin country. Investment financial subsidies, soft loan or guarantees, free land or subsidies, relocation

Monday, November 18, 2019

Chinese Room Argument as a Response to the Behaviourist's Claim that Research Paper

Chinese Room Argument as a Response to the Behaviourist's Claim that Computers Can Think - Research Paper Example Consequently, the behaviorists extend this theory to the functioning of computers suggesting that computers can think if they are programmed in a certain way, in which the input/output behavior of a computer is connected to its mental status. However, the Chinese Room argument does not agree with the behaviorist’s claim, which illustrates that thinking is far from a mere production of an output from a given stimulus (Martin 175). Therefore, in support of the Chinese Room argument, I will argue that computers do not have mental states because they are incapable of thinking, thus, are not intelligent as a human. The Chinese Room argument is one of the examples that present premises to disagree with the notion that computers have a mental state. This argument uses an experiment involving a computer input, output activities of a programmed computer whereby a person who does not speak Chinese completely somehow manages to manipulate Chinese symbols and produce right responses (Mart in 178). In this argument, Searle points out a discussion about cognitive science and artificial intelligence. He argues that artificial intelligence is without any doubt artificial. Therefore, the big question here is, are computers intelligent? I agree with Searle’s argument that there is no true intelligence for computers. Unlike beings with mental state, computers do understand language, syntax they are just incapable of understanding (semantics) and emotion. This is because these activities require consciousness lacking in computers. In addition, for computers to be intelligent it would mean that they have beliefs and other mental states like fear, and hope among other emotions. However, this is not true for computers and machines in general.  

Friday, November 15, 2019

Direct-sequence spread spectrum

Direct-sequence spread spectrum Direct-sequence spread spectrum Direct-sequence spread spectrum (DSSS) is a modulation technique used in telecommunications. In this modulation technique, as with other spread spectrum technologies, more bandwidth is occupied by the transmitted signal than the information signal that is being modulated. In Spread spectrum modulation technique the carrier signals occur over the full bandwidth (spectrum) of a devices transmitting frequency and that is where the name Spread Features of Direct-sequence spread spectrum Ø In DSSS a sine wave is pseudo randomly phase-modulated with a continuous string of pseudo noise (PN) code symbols called chips. Each of these chips has a much shorter duration than an information bit. In effect information signal is modulated by chips sequence which is much faster. Therefore, the chip rate is much higher than information signal bit rate. Ø In DSSS the chip sequences produced by the transmitter to modulate the signal is known at receiver end and receiver uses the same chip sequences to demodulate. As same sequence chips are used at transmitter and receiver, both have to be in sync with respect to chip sequence. Transmission method of Direct-sequence spread spectrum In Direct-sequence spread-spectrum transmissions the data being transmitted is multiplied by a noise signal. The noise signal used is a pseudorandom sequence of 1 and −1 values. Also the frequency of noise signal is much higher than that of the information signal. In effect we can say that the energy of original data is spread to a much higher bandwidth than the bandwidth of information signal. We can say that the resulting signal will look like white noise, like an audio recording of static. But this noise signal will be used to reconstruct the original data at the receiver end where it will be multiplied with pseudorandom sequence of 1 and −1 values which is exactly the same sequence which was used to modulate the data signal. As 1 Ãâ€" 1 = 1, and −1 Ãâ€" −1 = 1 so multiplying two times the data signal with pseudo random sequence will restore the original signal. The process of multiplying the signal at receiving end with same chip sequence used at transmitter end is known as de-spreading. In De-spreading a mathematical correlation of the transmitted PN sequence with the PN sequence at receiver is constituted. As it would have been clear by now that to reconstruct data at receiver end, transmit and receive sequences must be synchronized. It is done via some timing search process. This requirement of synchronization of transmitter and receiver can be considered as drawback. But this drawback gives a significant benefit also. If we synchronize sequences of various transmitters, the relative synchronization which we will do for receiver can be used to determine relative timing. This relative timing can be used to determine receivers position if transmitters position is known. This is used in many satellite navigation systems. Process gain is effect of enhancing signal to noise ratio on the channel. The process gain can be increased by using a longer PN sequence and more chips per bit. But there is a constraint here that physical devices which are used to generate the PN sequence have practical limits on attainable processing gain. If a transmitter transmits a signal with a PN sequence the de-spreading process give a process gain if we demodulate it with same PN sequence. It does not provide any process gain for the signals transmitted by other transmitters on the same channel but with a different PN sequence or no sequence. This is the basis of for the code division multiple access (CDMA) property of Direct-sequence spread spectrum. This property allows multiple transmitters to share the same channel. But this is limited by cross-correlation properties of PN sequences. We can consider the transmitted signal will be roughly a bell shaped enveloped centered on the carrier frequency (same as in AM transmission) but the noise which we add causes the distribution to be wider. As this description suggests, a plot of the transmitted waveform has a roughly bell-shaped envelope centered on the carrier frequency, just like a normal AM transmission, except that the added noise causes the distribution to be much wider than that of an AM transmission. If we compare frequency-hopping spread spectrum with Direct-sequence spread spectrum then we will find that frequency-hopping spread spectrum pseudo-randomly re-tunes the carrier, instead of adding pseudo-random noise to the data. This retuning of carrier results in a uniform frequency distribution whose width will be determined by the output range of the pseudo-random number generator. Benefits of Direct-sequence spread spectrum Jamming resistance for intended or unintended jamming. A single channel is shared among multiple users. Interception is hampered due to reduced signal/background-noise level. Relative timing between transmitter and receiver is determined. Uses of Direct-sequence spread spectrum Used by European Galileo satellite navigation systems and The United States GPS systems DS-CDMA (Direct-Sequence Code Division Multiple Access) is a multiple access scheme based on Direct-sequence spread spectrum, by spreading the signals from/to different users with different codes. It is the most widely used type of CDMA. Used in Cordless phones operating in the 900 MHz, 2.4 GHz and 5.8 GHz bands Used in IEEE 802.11b 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi, and its predecessor 802.11-1999. (Their successor 802.11g uses OFDM instead) Used in Automatic meter reading Used in IEEE 802.15.4 (PHY and MAC layer for ZigBee)

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Drug Abuse Among Teens :: Drug Abuse, Substance Abuse

Introduction Drugs abuse is serious problem in the United States, especially among teenagers. According to National Drug Intelligence Center (2003) 7.5 million American adolescents aged 12 to 17 used drugs at least once during their lifetime. Teens start to experiment with drugs from a young age and do not think about drugs’ negative consequences. Butler (2010) claims that drug addiction will lead to problems at university or school and loss of alertness, which can cause to injury. Also it will affect mood, change system of values and lead to depression. As a result, teenagers who use drugs have a risk for suicide. Nowadays, they abuse both legal and illegal drugs. Also drug accessibility is one of the causes of adolescent abuse. The majority of teenagers aged 12-17 get it easily from friends or relatives. (Office of National Drug Control Policy 2007). Moreover there are other possible factors, such as pressure from friends, low self-appraisal, stress, relationships with parents. This essa y will look at drug abusing problem among teenagers in the United States and analyse in detail possible reasons and solutions for drug addiction. Background Teenagers abuse a variety of drugs. Any of them both legal and illegal can have immediate or long term health consequences. As reported by NIDA in 2003 year 40.2 percent of high school students had used marijuana. Majuana is the illegal narcotic. Youths who used it before 17-years-olds indicated smaller brain and they are smaller in height and weight than teens who used marijuana after age 17. In addition, marijuana adversely affect on memory, distorts the perception of sound, time, touch for short term. American teens use inhalant as well. Adolescent find it in spray paint, glue and shoe polish. states, that regular use of inhalants can result in heart disease, liver and kidney damages. Also the most common drugs among youth in United States are ecstasy, cocaine, crack, speed and heroin. Legal drugs such as prescribed medications and alcohol is popular today. Moreover, according to the Office of National Drug Control Policy in 2005 year 2.1 million teenagers abus ed prescription drugs and these drugs are the most common among 12-13-years-olds. Also American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry claim that drug use is increased risk poor judgment which may lead to accidents, violence, suicide and unplanned, unsafe sex, which may cause HIV. Factors That Influence Teenagers to Drug Abuse Firstly, home and family are major factor.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Effective Malaria Treatment In Tanzania Health And Social Care Essay

1 IntroductionMalaria is a disease which is caused by mosquito bite on human organic structure. It threatens 1000s million people wellness in full Torrid Zones and semitropicss particularly in sub-Saharan Africa. The influence of malaria on the wellness and economic systems is immense. In this part over one million people die every twelvemonth because of malaria and most of them kids under the age of five. To contend this staggering job it have in recent old ages been on the docket for both affected provinces and international giver bureaus. Access to an effectual and prompt intervention for immature kids and pregnant adult females is regarded as really of import. The ACCESS programmes aim is to turn to jobs sing entree to effectual and prompt malaria intervention in rural Tanzania. The result of the work should ensue in proper steps to heighten the cognition of recognize symptoms, the demand of right intervention and increase the handiness of medical specialty and quality of supervising. The most vulnerable groups which are kids under the age of five and pregnant adult females is focused in the plan. The country in Tanzania that are included in the survey is the two territory of Kilombero and Ulanga in the south-east. The two territories is separated by the Kilombero River and forms the Kilombero Vally floodplain. The handiness to the Kilombero territory is by a largely unpaved route that are connected to the Tanzania-Zambia main road. To make the Ulanga territory with vehicles the solely connexion is a motorised ferry over Kolombero River.2 Undertaking factsThe population of the two territories in 2002 were 517000 and most people get their supports from farming. For most households the agriculture is done in distant Fieldss in the flood plains. A consequence of the distance to the Fieldss is that households are forced to travel to their agriculture sites during the cultivating period. They spend up to six months in the Fieldss and during this clip unrecorded under simple conditions and are more open to mosquito. The cultivating period coincides with the high malaria transmittal season and as a consequence of this malaria spreads widely and repeatedly during this period. Based on these facts the Ifakara Health and Research and Development Center along with the Swiss Tropical Institute has examined and implemented a batch of malaria control intercessions like insecticide-treated cyberspaces ( ITN ) . In add-on to that there are two chief attacks in the ACCESS intercessions. Through societal selling attacks by increasing the petition for right malaria diagnosing and intervention throughout the community With the aid of preparation, instruction, enhanced supportive supervising and new nosologies make the supply of quality malaria case-management stronger. To advance these attacks three chief countries of intercessions has been undertaken. Area1: Behavior alteration Sensitization of community leaders Social selling chiefly through route shows Particular runs in Mother and Child Health ( MCH ) clinics Improved entree for families passing the cultivation period off from place Area2: Improved quality of attention in wellness installations Area3: Improved malaria instance direction in drug merchandising stores3 Issues of SD sing this undertakingIn the ACCESS undertaking issues refering SD which are stated below can be found. These issues are besides described how they are included in the three countries of intercessions that are involved in the programme. Health attention Education Human demands Gender Equity Economic Capacity edifice3.1 Area 1Sing the different actions undertaken in the behaviour alteration attack SD issues like wellness attention, instruction, human demands, gender and equity.a ) Health attentionThrough these societal selling messages the people aware strongly the malaria symptoms and immediate intervention the right medical specialty and good protecting equipment like ITN and IPTp ( Intermittent Preventive Treatment in gestation ) .B ) EducationDramatic shows at the roads having about malaria disease. To do people effectual attending dance competitions were conducted. Theater shows portraying right intervention through function dramas were performed. Effectss of malaria were taught through public talk. Besides cinema show on malaria intervention was run. Feedback Sessionss at the terminal for better interactions. During the feedback session promotion-materials were distributed to the audience. Posters and hoardings were put up in small towns and along Celsius ) Hum an needsThe acknowledgment of the demand to heighten the cognition about malaria and the undertakings undertaken in this intercession country interrelate to human demands.vitamin D ) GenderPregnant adult females and female parents of kids under the age of five and kids under the age of five are the mark group for the undertaking.vitamin E ) EquityThe undertaking stresses the importance of people?s handiness to entree wellness attention. During the cultivation period people stay in the Fieldss and the handiness to medicate is poorer.3.2 Area 2For the undertaking to better quality of attention in wellness installations aspects like instruction, economic and wellness are dealt with.a ) Health attentionIn this intercession enhanced quality of attention was focused chiefly. Correct diagnosing with the counsel from Integrated direction of childhood unwellness ( IMCI ) algorithm and enhanced laboratory diagnosing. Ordering the right drugs and exact dose of antimalarials, febrifuges. Proper and right advice on how to forestall malaria and better intervention.B ) EducationThe wellness installation staff were trained on malaria intervention through initial refresher preparation. Routine supportive supervising was strengthened. Introducing quality direction strategy at all wellness Celsius ) EconomicThe preparation which was based on IMCI algorithm has proved that it is cost effectual since it was done by agencies of coaction between the staffs and council wellness direction squads in rural Tanzania. In add-on to that they have introduced rapid diagnostic trial ( RDT ) an impracticable thought to microscopy which was one time once more proved to be cost effectual.vitamin D ) Capacity edificeThere was a Joint venture between supportive supervising and quality direction in order to increase their capacity.3.3 Area 3This intercession which reference to better malaria instance direction in drug merchandising stores concern SD issues sing capacity edifice and instruction.a ) Capacity edificeThrough the debut of Accredited Drug Dispensing Outlets ( ADDO ) in the two territories the trade channels and entree to medical specialties and pharmaceutical services enhanced.B ) EducationTo beef up the consciousness and behaviour of ADDO proprietors of and the forces the undertaking have provided instruction.3.4 The ecological, economic and societal facetsIn a undertaking like ACCESS which focal point is to analyse and better intervention and attention for a disease the ecological portion have a minor impact in the work in this instance. Social and economic demands for people is more critical. The SD issues that are stated earlier all have to interrelate for a successful result of a undertaking like this. The demand for worlds in the country to acquire keep to proper medical specialty and intervention is obvious and this emphasis the human demand. The chosen attack to better the cognition amongst people to acknowledge symptoms and the demand for prompt intervention for illustration links instruction and wellness together. As the chief mark group is pregnant adult females, immature female parents and kids under five this can be regarded as a gender affair that is interrelated in all issues. Even if the people know how to handle malaria and they have accessibility to anti-malarias they need to hold money to buy it. In the respect of regional, national and international interrelatedness of a undertaking like this it can be benchmark and applied in different topographic points and to other diseases4 Issues of SD excluded in the undertakingTorahs Even the authorities has taken some enterprises to set about effectual malaria intervention it would be better if the authorities has introduce or do some regulations and ordinances. Environment One could sing the exposure to mosquito in the Fieldss as an environmental issue but no measurings within the undertaking is taken4.1 Suggestions/feedback related to this undertakingTorahs For illustration the authorities can do a regulation like household card for the poorer 1s while the hapless 1s non able to entree the quality and effectual intervention. Family card meant for acquiring medical specialties at a cheaper rate aided by authorities Environment Within the undertakings framework some probe sing the exposure and how to minimise it could hold been performed. Possibly some information on how to protect yourself against mosquito could hold been provided. Possibly some bio-friendly pesticide could be used during the mosquito genteelness period to cut down the degree of exposure during the cultivation period.5 ConsequencesThe sensitisation of community leaders were rather successful in the facet of engagement. On mean 90 % of the invited attended these meetings. The route shows were besides by and large good attended. The work forces were nevertheless 2,2 times more likely to hold attended these shows although adult females and kids was the focal point group in the undertaking. The particular runs done in MCH clinics have up to the beginning of 2007 resulted in that about 28 % of adult females in generative age has attended such session. In Ulanga have 89 % of the wellness installations received training Sessionss to better the cognition and in Kilombero that figure is 93 % . The handiness to proper medical specialties has in the two territories increased through the ADDO programme. The quality of advice in these accredited stores has besides shown to be better than in an ordinary drug store.6 DecisionTo reason, this undertaking which was done by Ifakara with the great support from Swiss Tropical Institute and ACCESS has widely used SD constructs in every intercessions. The premier focal point of the undertaking dealt with wellness attention of people refering to a developing state which is one of the major points discussed in every acme of developed and developing states related to SD. In footings of wellness attention, instruction, human demands, gender and equity there were actions taken in the intercession 1 and in footings of quality of attention in wellness installations sing instruction, economic and wellness there were actions in intercession 2.In intercession 3 the chief facet of SD was to develop i.e. educate the store keepers every bit good as the poorer people. In such a mode the SD constructs has been widely used and researched by the ACCESS programme I. From the results and experiences of ACCESS I the ACCESS plan has started the 2nd stage in May 2008 and its premier focal point was enhanced handiness to effectual malaria intervention for pregnant adult females, kids under the age of five and immature female parents. The Phase II continuance is similar to phase I and it is about 3 old ages.

Friday, November 8, 2019

A Generation Set Aside Essays - Demographics, Free Essays

A Generation Set Aside Essays - Demographics, Free Essays A Generation Set Aside Often we hear of the generation gap that huge expanse between parent and child. Perhaps it is an acquaintance gap. Young people and adults do not know each other. The inability to communicate often enters the picture. Sometimes it is because neither knows what the other is interested in. They live under the same roof, but they rarely see one another, especially after the teenage years come along. The father goes off to work before the children are awake. Mother may go back to bed after seeing the husband off to work; or off to her own job. Teenagers get themselves up and off to school without seeing either parent. Then after school there is ball practice, band practice, or something else that consumes their time; maybe a job that lasts until bedtime. Parents have things that tie them up in the evenings; so the days come and go, and there is precious little time spent together. A meal together is even a rare occasion. All of these activities may be wholesome and proper, but still the family suffers because there is so little time spent together. This causes many children to make too many decisions on their own, and so often they will leave important and crucial matters out of their thoughts and plans. This generation often gets labelled by the media and the older people in society as the "youngsters who are tearing this country apart." The fact of the matter is that we are a product of our parent's mistakes and remain to be misunderstood. In the past several years we have seen much media attention focused on the generation that followed the boomers, popularly known as Generation X. Born between the mid-1960s and early 1980s , this is the most complex of the generation, and by far the least understood in spite of its current celebrity. This generation can best be described as the "Misunderstood Generation." They are the generation that dealt with and are still dealing with broken homes, drug addiction, AIDS, and bleak futures. A great deal of the young people in this "Misunderstood Generation" think very little about the future or present issues. This generation has lost sight of long terms goals and the idea that hard work pays off in the end. Instead, the people in this generation concern themselves only with what will bring immediate satisfaction and gratification. This part of society cares only about money and themselves, never thinking about the consequences of their actions. The "Misunderstood Generation" feels overwhelmed with the idea of a country with a multi- trillion dollar deficit, a high rate of poverty, and relatively no jobs. The "Misunderstood Generation" wants less out of life. This generation has evolved from the children that came home from school to an empty house because mom had to go back to work after the divorce. This is the generation that got its morals from watching T.V. after school and was parented by an older brother or sister. This is the generation that has unconventional ways and does not always reason for them. They are uncertain and need answers. They poke and prod to find what is lying ahead. They have loud voices but are seldom heard. This is the generation which has high expectations and are often disappointed. I, as well as all of the others born in my generation, were unleashed into an ever changing world. The advances of today can easily be old news tomorrow. Along with this they, the people who have lived and controlled up until this day, have allowed the respect of the living to dwindle with the consistently increasing ease of everyday life. Transportation from one point to another can be the simplest of tasks. Communication with someone in any far off land can be reached with just the touch of a button. And access to almost all the information the world has to offer is free for all with the use of the Internet. No other group of people have grown up with these things as being such the standards and necessities of life and living that they are today. We have never had a war in our country. All of

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

25 Eponyms as Literary Wordplay

25 Eponyms as Literary Wordplay 25 Eponyms as Literary Wordplay 25 Eponyms as Literary Wordplay By Daniel Scocco Several posts have focused on, for example, phenomena and ideas named after people, and concepts or objects identified by the names of historical figures. This entry specifically suggests mythological, literary, and historical eponyms that may inspire you to employ such terms in fiction writing as cloaked allusions to characters or things. Think of these examples and others as akin to puns: A law firm named Bowler, Derby, Fedora, Stetson, and Trilby. (Maybe these will be names of characters in the upcoming film version of Lidsville, the early- ’70s Saturday-morning TV show about a land of sentient hats.) A star-crossed couple named Jeremiah, namesake of a pessimistic prophet from the Bible, and Cassandra, named after the Trojan woman blessed with the gift of prophecy but fated never to be believed. A maid named Abigail. (In Victorian England, house servants were routinely stripped of their birth names and assigned ones considered more pleasant for their employers to utter, and Abigail was a common moniker for a housemaid.) A vigilant or nosy neighbor named Argus, the name of the many-eyed monster of Greek mythology. A heavily burdened character named Atlas, after the Titan in Greek mythology charged with holding up the heavens. A place called the Augean Stables, named after the fabled stables of Augeas, the cleaning of which constituted one of the legendary twelve labors of Hercules. A spy’s contact code-named Baedeker, after the name of the popular guidebook series, or Cicerone, after a word for a sightseeing guide (in turn named after the Roman orator and statesman Cicero). A loud woman who’s always letting off steam named Calliope, after the strident steam-whistle instrument named in honor of the Greek muse of epic poetry. A tormented woman named Catherine Wheeler, named after the Catherine wheel, a rotating fireworks wheel in turn inspired by a Catholic saint tortured on a wheel. An elusive woman named Fata Morgana (or, more subtly, Morgan Fate), after the mirage phenomenon named for the Italian translation of the name of Arthurian sorceress Morgan le Fay (â€Å"fairy,† or â€Å"magician†). An extremely attractive person named Mickey Finn, after a slang term for a drugged drink. (The active ingredient is sometimes called â€Å"knockout drops.†) A ruminative character named Fletcher, after the health food faddist notorious for prescribing a quantifiable amount of chewing while eating. An energizing character named Galvani, after the scientist who studied the stimulating effects of electricity. A hapless company called Gordian Inc., named for the knot that could not be untied. (Alexander the Great reportedly solved the problem by severing the knot with his sword.) An unhelpful character named Hobson, after the stable owner who hired out any horse a customer wanted, as long as the one selected was next in line to be used (hence the oxymoronic expression â€Å"Hobson’s choice†). An arbiter named Hoyle, after the eponymous author of rules for card games (hence the nearly extinct expression â€Å"according to Hoyle†). A race car driver or reckless motorist named Jehu (after the biblical king of that name notorious for his wild charioteering). A drink named the Molotov cocktail, after the nickname for the bomb made from a bottle filled with inflammable liquid and ignited with a wick. (The bomb is in turn named after a Russian Communist politician.) An impostor named Pinchbeck, after the watchmaker whose created an inexpensive alloy resembling gold. Hundreds of eponyms are available for enlivening satirical or otherwise humorous prose. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Fiction Writing category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Has vs. Had15 Great Word GamesHow to Punctuate Introductory Phrases

Monday, November 4, 2019

Quality of Life in Women with Breast Cancer Post Mastectomy Research Paper

Quality of Life in Women with Breast Cancer Post Mastectomy - Research Paper Example Justification of the Problem Since such a large number of mastectomies are performed every year, it is an important issue with regard to women’s health. In order to achieve a full and proper recovery, and go on to live a high quality life post mastectomy, it is essential to identify the combination of factors necessary to achieve it. Statement of the Problem Since survival rates are improving, more attention must be given to the quality of life for breast cancer survivors (ASPS, 2011). A good deal more research is needed to help post mastectomy breast cancer patients achieve the highest quality of life possible. Review of the Literature Even though more research is needed, there is existing research that identifies some of the factors necessary for post mastectomy breast cancer patients to achieve a high quality of life. Some early research seems to suggest that the negative effects of having breast cancer (e.g. sexual well-being) may be lessened by the conservation or reconst ruction of the breast (ASPS, 2011; Rowland et al., 2001). Very little research has been done comparing psychosocial outcomes of patients that had a lumpectomy, a mastectomy alone, or a mastectomy with reconstruction (Rowland et al., 2001). The study included a large number of breast cancer survivors (1,957) who filled out a self-report questionnaire that measured health-related quality of life. As found in other research, those who had a mastectomy with reconstruction were more likely to be younger, college educated, affluent and white, than those in the other groups; however, no difference was found among the groups with regard to emotional, social... The current proposed study will be based on the theoretical framework developed by Rogers. According to Rogers’ theory, the goal, with regard to nursing, is to help clients/patients achieve a maximal level of wellness. All study participants will be women that have undergone a mastectomy as a part of breast cancer treatment. The mastectomy must have been performed between two and five years prior to the commencement of the study. The procedure for the study involves first obtaining a baseline. Study participants will be interviewed and all responses will be recorded. Next, the participants will then complete sa series of self-reporting. The questionnaires will be on various subjects, including psychological health, physical and emotional health, overall satisfacdtion and happiness, among others. Once all of the data is gathered, it will be analyzed and presented so that my see the/ significance of certain relationships which help to achieve a high quality of laundery The study included a large number of breast cancer survivors who filled out a self-report questionnaire that measured health-related quality of life. As found in other research, those who had a mastectomy with reconstruction were more likely to be younger, college educated, affluent and white, than those in the other groups; however, no difference was found among the groups with regard to emotional, social or role function. Body image and feelings of attractiveness are the usual psychosocial impacts found with regard to the surgery; and, nearly all post mastectomy patients report the fear of recurrence to be their greatest emotional challengea. The study also found that after a year from diagnosis, the quality of life is probably influenced most by the woman’s age or exposure to adjuvant therapy.

Friday, November 1, 2019

Econometric Project for final year undergraduate student Essay

Econometric Project for final year undergraduate student - Essay Example exports – imports as the within subject factors. Further, simple regression models of the nature; GDP = ÃŽ ²0 + ÃŽ ²1Xi (where Xis where the within subject factors). From the analyzed results, the variables real consumption expenditures, real gross private domestic investment, real government expenditures, real net taxes, and real net exports i.e. exports – imports were found to be statistically significant at 5% level of significance while the variable real personal disposable income was found not to be significant. The success of this paper was immensely contributed to by many people. In particular, I would like to thank my lecturer Mr.†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦., for his/her guidance and un-questionable advice without which it would have been difficulty to realize the objective of the paper†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. Finally, I would like to thank my family for their understanding and support in the entire period. According to Amadeo, K. (2009), GDP stands for the total amount of goods and services a country produces while growth rate is the rate with which the GDP changes over years. A countries GDP growth is determined by the many factors which include political factors, environmental factors, level of investments and level of consumptions among many other factors. To Amadeo, a country’s GDP growth rate is often driven by the level of retail expenditures, level of government spending, what the country exports and imports. To him, more imports mean a negative GDP growth. Wynne, M. A. (1992) supports the assertion made by Amadeo arguing that the most crucial indicator of economic growth is the GDP growth. According to him, GDP growth signifies business well-being, more jobs for the un-employed and more gains in personal income growth. On the other hand, negative GDP growth affects consumer and business confidence resulting to businesses holding both